Did you get your copy of Magic Ember? The final book in the series, Magic Flame, is still weeks away but to help with the wait we will share a bit about the stories and authors each Friday until it’s out.

This week Sara Dobie Bauer give us further insight into the names of her characters.



Destiny’s Dark Light: What’s in a Name?

By Sara Dobie Bauer

People often ask me how I name my characters. Sometimes, it’s easy: “Well, this character is based on someone I actually know.” Other times, it’s due to something silly like, “I think that name is sexy.” In the case of my three-part Enchanted series, “Destiny’s Dark Light,” check out these teasers about what’s in a name …


Hypatia “Cyan” Burroughs, our witch lead

Hypatia is the name of a philosopher in Alexandria from around 400 AD. Her knowledge of astronomy and mathematics led to suspicion of sorcery, and she was flayed alive by a mob of monks. She’s considered the first famous woman to be persecuted for witchcraft by Christians, which is probably why Cyan never uses her birth name. (Her mother only calls her “Hypatia” when she’s really mad.)


Liam Cody, our romantic interest

This hunk is Irish, so I had to choose an Irish name. Liam means “strong-willed protector,” and that’s our guy. He will protect the people he loves, at any cost. Cody is an Anglicized version of a very, very old Gaelic surname.


Drake Burroughs, Cyan’s witch father

Drake means “dragon,” and although he doesn’t actually spew flame, he’s a force to be reckoned with. The Burroughs surname comes from George Burroughs, the only minister executed during the Salem Witch Trials. Blamed on his feats of strength, he died in 1692. Drake has the same super strength.


Rue (Plainacher) Burroughs, Cyan’s witch mother

Rue is the name of an herb, and Rue (the character) is a potion master. She mixes herbs to work her spells. The Plainacher surname is due to Elisabeth Plainacher, an alleged Austrian witch who died in 1583. She was the only person executed for sorcery in the city of Vienna. (I know, lots of death, but witches in history haven’t had the best luck, okay?)


Sybil Plainacher, Cyan’s psychic aunt

In Greek culture, the name Sybil means prophetess, and that is Sybil’s strength. She had visions of Liam before he showed up in Cyan’s life. She sees flashes of the future—and she’s never been wrong before.


There’s your tease for what’s in a name. Wonder if the other character epithets in “Destiny’s Dark Light” mean anything?



Sara Dobie Bauer is a bestselling, award-winning author, model, and mental health advocate with a creative writing degree from Ohio University. Her short story, “Don’t Ball the Boss,” inspired by her shameless crush on Benedict Cumberbatch, was nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She lives with her hottie husband and two precious pups in Northeast Ohio, although she’d really like to live in a Tim Burton film. She is author of the paranormal rom-com Bite Somebody series from World Weaver Press, among other ridiculously entertaining things. Learn more at http://SaraDobieBauer.com.



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