
Blakey cleared his throat delicately. “The thing is, you don’t really look the part.” He gestured to her clothes. “You’re too clean. Too…” he faltered.
“You look like a fucking school teacher,” Matt said bluntly.
He was watching her, making her self-conscious. His angry words sent a shiver down her spine. “Are you asking me to change my appearance to get the apprenticeship? To fit in?” She asked softly, speaking directly to Blakey.
“Absolutely not,” Blakey answered firmly. Matt choked on a scathing noise but his boss spoke over it. “Like I said before, we sell our work, we sell something personal and memorable. We don’t sell an appearance or a lifestyle to anybody who doesn’t want it.”
“Who’s going to want to be tattooed by a school teacher without fucking tattoos?” Matt spat. His eyes were still locked on her face. “They’ll think she doesn’t trust her own work.”
Even though she knew his words were true, Emily turned to face him for the first time and spoke coolly but calmly, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of her anger. “How about housewives? How about young nervous men, who don’t want to be intimidated by such beautiful and obviously strong women?” She gestured to where Phoenix and Josephina were sitting. “How about people like me?”
He snorted. “You want a tattoo? And mess up your pretty skin? What will mummy think?”
“My mother is dead,” she snapped, finally losing her careful control. “As is my father. I don’t think they’ll care what I do, do you?”
“This isn’t your scene,” he said, his tone uncompromising.
“You know nothing about me.”
Out of Print
I love the vibe of the story and the other characters made you feel like you were in that tattoo shop with them.
Can’t wait to get my hands on book 2 because I have a feeling this author is going to continue to blow my mind.”
Word Count: 17,600
Kink Level: Contains M/f BDSM