Joe’s story

Out of Print
“Oh.” She looked away from the heat of his gaze, uncertain. Unable to keep her eyes away from him for long, she slanted a look over to his face to see whether he was serious. He was; he met her eyes, unabashed.
“I was thinking about getting a tattoo,” he continued, still rubbing at his lip. “Maybe I’ll stop by tomorrow and see you.”
Several powerful emotions whirled through her; exhilaration, embarrassment, amusement, eagerness, but most of all a fear so deep that it tightened around her heart like a vice. She pushed them all away and forced herself to smile brightly, pretending he was any other client and not her handsome neighbour. “Yes, I’m at the studio all week. Feel free to call in. If I’m busy, one of the other artists can help you find what you’re looking for.”
“I know what I want, don’t worry about that.” His eyes wandered over her body, making it clear what it meant, then he dipped his head once more and walked away.
Despite the emotional turmoil burning through her, making her want to escape into her apartment, Joe couldn’t help but watch him leave. His powerful frame moved so gracefully, with so much self-assurance, that she felt drawn to him in a way that she hadn’t felt to another person in a long time.
Not since Christoph left.
The thought made her blood run cold.
Is that where the attraction came from? He reminded her of Christoph? It was true that they both had the same muscled build, the same irrepressible confidence. Was that why she was reacting so strongly to him? The knowledge made her uneasy. Christoph had walked out on her years ago, hurting her more deeply than she thought ever possible. She wasn’t going to be hurt again. Never again.
No, what she needed from a man was purely physical.
And she could get that from the club.
Word Count: 28,600 words
Kink Level: M/f BDSM
ISBN 978-1-988233-46-8 (Physical)
ISBN 978-1-988233-47-5 (Electronic)