When Ruin’s mortal sacrifice to the Fates on New Year’s Eve is already dying, it should be the easiest life he has to take, but not this year. The dying man knows Ruin is there to kill him, but he asks Father Time’s son to look after his twin sister. Ruin can’t stay away from the sweet and sensual Phoebe. His previous interactions with women changed the definition of his name, Ruin, so he can’t fall for her, especially when the lovely mortal doesn’t know he killed her brother.

Phoebe’s brother promised to send her a guardian angel, but Ruin seems too devilish to be holy. He only wants to be friends and keep watch over her, but she can’t resist him. Loving Ruin is a sin tempting her heart. How wrong is it to cause an angel’s fall? Ruin and Phoebe’s time is running out as another New Year’s Eve sacrifice approaches, and Ruin might lose everything for keeping his true hand in fate secret.

Out of Print

“This new series by romance author Wendy Sparrows is a must read for anyone who is looking for something new in their swoony yet sweet romance. The Servants of Fate trilogy can be read as stand alones or enjoyed together. Personally, I suggest the latter. Father Time’s sons make for unusual (but definitely in the good way) leading men, who you will love to love. Sparrow has a knack for weaving stories that take familiar tropes, and mixing them with quirky characters to create a tale that is refreshing and new. Five Shiny Stars!”
Em Shotwell

author, Blackbird Summer

“Sparrow AGAIN gave us enough of a twist to keep the story fresh, and I didn’t want to put this one down — In fact, I wish it hadn’t ended!”
Amalia Dillin

author, Forged by Fate

“This was a wholesome read. (Another installment in the series that is able to be read as a stand-alone.) Characters that were mentioned in “Taking Time” are highlighted here in their own tale. I embraced this storyline with open arms. A pleasant and endearing escape.”

Goodreads Reviewer

“This was a wholesome read. (Another installment in the series that is able to be read as a stand-alone.) Characters that were mentioned in “Taking Time” are highlighted here in their own tale. I embraced this storyline with open arms. A pleasant and endearing escape.”
Wee Bit O' Whiskey Reviews

“I have really enjoyed reading the books in this series. Perfect read for the days leading up the New Year.”

Goodreads Reviewer

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ISBN (paperback): 978-1-988233-13-0
ISBN (electronic): 978-1-988233-14-7

Series: Servants of Fate

To request review copies or schedule a review, interview or other feature please contact press [at] penandkinkpub.com

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