
Release the monster within!

Coming Soon!
Nothing is quite so deliciously freeing as caving to your instincts. For centuries, shapeshifters have personified our impulse to bow to our animalistic nature. From lycans to skin-walkers and everything in between, shapeshifters give us a chance to connect with our inner-selves and celebrate our intriguing differences, our passions, and ultimately our humanity through their necessity of striking a balance between their human selves and supernatural selves.

Featuring stories from Trece Angulo, Meg Archer, Gretchen Bassier, Jaap Boekestein, Nancy Canu, Clint Collins, Michael M. Jones, Liz McAdams and Nidhi Singh.

Sorry, out of print

“OMG !!!!! Charlie Watson has created a world where I would love to live.

It is a world where we can connect with our animalistic sides of our personalities, we are not just human we are animals too !!!!

The experiences of our main characters is so delightfully delicious that I just want to step into that world and leave reality behind I want to be able to celebrate the differences and passions without fears, craving the ability to embrace the animal in me and exploring the desires that are raging through me without having to be ‘civilised’ would be amazing!! So let me say I LOVE this book and cannot wait for the next one.”

Jenny Hockings

Goodreads Reviewer

“This collection of 9 paranormal love stories that Charlie Watson has put together certainly makes for a great variety of delicious shifters, their love stories, and of course their hot sexual connections, which I absolutely love to read about. It is always difficult, at least to my way of thinking, for an author to corrall a multitude of authors into one easy to read and enjoyable collection. Charlie Watson has managed to pull this off…”
John L

Amazon Reviewer

“This magical anthology of shapeshifters and those who love them will delight you. Delicious, sexy, and surprisingly tender, these stories manage to be both sweet and savage. If you like shapeshifters–or magical romance of any kind–you’re going to LOVE this book!”
Ariel Jade

Editor of Ravenous

“What’s great about this anthology is that it is like a buffet, there’s something for everyone and you can relish a story or two or more without feeling hang up.”
Dora Okeyo

Goodreads Reviewer

“I really enjoyed shapeshifting as the theme for this anthology. While giving a cohesive link between all the stories, it still allowed a breadth of interpretation by the authors. For romance fans, this anthology has something for every taste.

Each story has a unique perspective on animal vs human nature and how that plays into feelings of acceptance in those respective worlds. The anthology has a nice spectrum ranging from vanilla to kink. Most of the stories explore intricate worlds and characters, where sexuality plays a part, but is not necessarily the focus…”

Blake Crittenden

Goodreads Reviewer

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