Ravenous Pre-orders and Giveaways

Ravenous, the steamy vampire romance anthology from Ariel Jade is now available for pre-order or you can enter to win an advance review copy. Dark. Brooding. Tortured. Sexy. Vampires are a mystery, morphing through history from maligned villains to sparkling saviors...

Flash Sale

Whether you’re looking for something steamy or something sweet we’ve got you covered. For today only both the sweet paranormal collection, Servants of Fate, and the steamy anthology about kink and tattoos, kINKED, are available for FREE from Amazon...

Transformed Wishlist

Transformed Submission Wishlist Charlie Watson Hello, World! Or rather, hello all of my wonderful “Transformed” authors. Charlie here. I’m going to spend the next few minutes giving you a rundown of how to navigate the three ring circus we call the slush-pile. It can...
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