kINKED Excerpts

  Reading anything is a subjective experience, but reading kinky erotic romance is possibly the most subjective thing of all. What turns one person on makes another person cringe. It’s all very personal and that can make choosing an kinky erotic romance a...

kINKED Reviews

kINKED Reviews There is a situation that comes up from time to time where I want to talk about a book I’ve worked on and published through Pen and Kink, but I don’t want to speak as the publisher, I want to speak as the author or the editor. This is one of...

Tattoos and Pain

kINKED came out Tuesday. Hopefully you’ve got your copy and have already started reading it, but either way we wanted to give you a chance to hear directly from some of the contributors.  Tattoos and Pain Kink by Brantwijn Serrah When Pen & Kink put out a...

Five Things I Learned While Writing Sae-ri

kINKED came out yesterday. Hopefully you’ve got your copy and have already started reading it, but either way we wanted to give you a chance to hear directly from some of the contributors. Five things I learned while writing Sae-ri by Nicole Blackwood Not only...

kINKED is available now!

kINKED is available now from Amazon and on Kindle Unlimited! Every tattoo tells a story… A submissive pain slut receives a tattoo as a reward for years of selfless service. A man’s body is used to deliver a very different kind of message to a domineering...

Performance Anxiety in “Begin Again”

kINKED is going to be available tomorrow. Before it comes out we wanted to give you a chance to hear directly from some of the contributors. Performance Anxiety in “Begin Again” By Tiffany Michelle Brown I dreaded writing the sex scene in “Begin Again.” I had no...
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