by Elesha Teskey | Sep 26, 2018 | 2 - Magic Ember, Enchanted, Spotlight |
Spitfire, New Orleans weather girl, Cheyanne Murphey has everything, and that is exactly how she likes it. When she discovers evidence of her fiancé’s philandering, she refuses to let her perfectly cultivated image fall to pieces. Cheyanne has worked too hard,...
by Elesha Teskey | Sep 25, 2018 | 1 - Magic Spark, 2 - Magic Ember, 3 - Magic Flame, Enchanted, Spotlight |
Meet the Murphy sisters, three cursed witches determined to find love. When their work their magic, things don’t turn out as planned. You can find them in our Enchanted series. For now, check out some previous posts to learn more about them. Murphy...
by Elesha Teskey | Sep 24, 2018 | 1 - Magic Spark, 2 - Magic Ember, 3 - Magic Flame, Enchanted, Spotlight |
Looking for a fun read to get in the mood for the Halloween season? Try Em Shotwell’s Murphy sisters in our Enchanted trilogy. Three stories about sister witches who are trying to change their bad luck and find their own happily ever afters. This week we...
by Cori Vidae | Sep 7, 2018 | 4 - Haunted, Call for Submissions |
Open to Submissions Now! Haunted Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned Give me your scorned women–jilted brides, protective mothers, vengeful servants. As long as the ghost doing the haunting is female, it’s fair game. She can be trying to keep her husband from finding...
by Cori Vidae | Aug 28, 2018 | 2 - Ravenous, Announcement |
For several months after its release, Ravenous was only available on Amazon. We did this to give our readers who use Kindle Unlimited a chance to read the book there, but now we think it’s time to widen our audience. Thus, it is with no small amount of...
by Cori Vidae | Aug 21, 2018 | 1 - INKarnate, 2 - INKapable, 3 - INKurable, 4 - INKonsolable, Cover Reveal, Giveaways, INKomplete, Release |
Officially this post is intended to reveal the covers for Mara Malin’s INKomplete series but we’ve also got some exciting news to go along with the eye-candy. We’re so excited about this series that we are going to do things a little bit differently...