by Cori Vidae | Feb 13, 2018 | 4 - Haunted, Announcement, Call for Submissions |
Haunted Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned Give me your scorned women–jilted brides, protective mothers, vengeful servants. As long as the ghost doing the haunting is female, it’s fair game. She can be trying to keep her husband from finding love again, she could be...
by Elesha Teskey | Feb 9, 2018 | 2 - Magic Ember, Enchanted |
Only 11 days until you get Magic Ember in your hands! Have your pre-ordered your copy? Hurry because the price goes up on release day! To help with the wait, here’s a taste of How to Capture Your Match: A Demigods Survival Guide by Wendy Sparrow. Being the...
by Elesha Teskey | Feb 6, 2018 | 3 - Magic Flame, Cover Reveal, Enchanted |
Here it is! The final cover for our Enchanted series! The final installment in our trilogy by three amazing romance writers. These stories all have two things in common: magic and romance! “All’s Fair in Love, War, and Demigods...
by Elesha Teskey | Feb 2, 2018 | 2 - Magic Ember, Enchanted |
Are you ready for Magic Ember? The release date is getting closer! If you’re just joining us, there’s still time to read Magic Spark, the first book in the Enchanted trilogy. Here’s what others have said about the series so far… Take my high...
by Cori Vidae | Jan 30, 2018 | 1 - INKarnate, 2 - INKapable, 3 - INKurable, 4 - INKonsolable, Announcement, INKomplete, kINKED |
Pen and Kink Publishing is excited to announce that we have acquired a brand new series of steamy novellas which we think you’re going to love. Welcome to INKomplete, a studio renowned for its tattoos, talent, and totally tempting tattoo artists. Every design...
by Elesha Teskey | Jan 26, 2018 | 2 - Magic Ember, Enchanted |
We can’t wait for the release of the second book in our Enchanted trilogy, Magic Ember! Hopefully you’re as excited as we are for the next installment of the series featuring magic and romance. If you haven’t picked up the first book Magic Spark yet, you can do...