Yay for Ravenous’ Release!

Hello, Pen-and-Kink-erites! (Pen-and-Kink-ites? Pen-and-Kink-ians?) Ariel here. This is my yay-for-Ravenous-release post, and of course, it would be over a week late. A girl whom I used to babysit for decided release week was the perfect time to get married (so...

Ravenous Is Here!

Who says Friday the 13th is unlucky? We think it’s a pretty special day so we’re launching the second book in our Triskaidekaphilia series, Ravenous! Get your copy today or read it for free with Kindle Unlimited! Amazon (US) (CA) (UK) Dark. Brooding....

Ravenous – Guest Post By Wendy Nickel

Only days until Ravenous is released! Have you pre-ordered your advanced copy at the special price yet? As we count down the days, some of the contributors wanted to share some further insight into their stories and tempt you with a peek. Today Wendy Nickel, writer of...
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