
Time has a way of changing things and book projects are not immune from that. Which is my lame way of leading up to the announcement that some things have changed about the Enchanted series since we first announced it. We are sorry to say Anna Kyle and Tiffany...

Transformed Wishlist

Transformed Submission Wishlist Charlie Watson Hello, World! Or rather, hello all of my wonderful “Transformed” authors. Charlie here. I’m going to spend the next few minutes giving you a rundown of how to navigate the three ring circus we call the slush-pile. It can...

Rough Edges Spotlight

Really, Rough Edges is the book that started it all. Okay, it’s one of the books that started it all. But if it weren’t for Rough Edges and kINKED, Pen and Kink Publishing would only exist to publish my own work… and what kind of weird alternate...
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