Every tattoo tells a story…
Today we celebrate the second birthday of this eight story anthology that explores tattoos and kink. Have you read it? If not, you’re in for a hot and spicy treat! If you have, don’t forget to leave a review.
Is There a Bit of “Voyeur” in Each of Us? by Renee Dominick
When I think of the kinks we commonly see depicted in erotic romance—bondage, impact play, dominance—voyeurism comes in pretty low on the list. Understandably, because let’s face it, voyeurism without consent is creepy. But what if I put ‘voyeurism’ in quote marks, indicating a consensual practice?
Read more, click here.

Tattoos and Pain by Brantwijn Serrah
The eroticism of tattoos—at least, the eroticism in being tattooed—comes from that pain, and the pleasure of relief, and the contrast of needle, skin, blood, air. The firmness of the leather table under me and the light, exposed sensation left on my skin where the needle touches down and lifts away.
Read more here.

Defining Romance by Mara Malins
When I started dabbling in writing steamy romances, my first port of call was to get the true definition of “romance.” I knew what romance was, of course; everybody over the age of ten does. But maybe there was another aspect I was missing. Google proved me right. The Oxford dictionary defines romance as “a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.”
To read more, click here.
Contributors Share What Makes a Great Sex Scene
Sara Dobie Bauer asked contributors to share their thoughts on what makes a sex scene hot.
To read it, click here.