Legendary was our first anthology in the Triskaidekaphilia series. We are happy to celebrate its two-year release into the world!

To celebrate, we take a look back at some of the promo and posts done for the book.


Read Excerpts from Legendary!

We did a round up of posts that featured sneak peeks at the stories in the anthology.

Click here to read them.


Editor Laura Harvey Talks About Legendary

I’ve loved this concept from the beginning. I’m the kind of person that collects classic horror flicks to binge watch around Halloween and enjoys creepy stories told around campfires. I’m ridiculously easy to scare, but that doesn’t stop me. Who needs to sleep easy, anyway?

So, when Pen and Kink Publishing asked if I wanted to edit a romance anthology based on urban legends, I jumped. Darned skippy, I did! Bring on Bloody Mary! The Woman in White! The Hook Man (or woman, as it turns out)!

Read more here.


Interview with Wendy Sparrow about “She Wore White”

 In my story, a woman in white lures men, who stop to help her, out of their cars and they’re never seen again. I picked it because I liked the eeriness. Not all of us might end up in a bathtub in Vegas, missing a kidney, but that flash of white on a lonely stretch of highway that we see in our periphery…

Read more here.


“Everyday People” Guest Post by Michael Leonberger

Tons of things scare me.

But driving especially scares me.

I’d like to say it’s because I was in a car accident when I was a teenager, but that’s not it — it was a minor fender bender, and probably more embarrassing than anything else. More likely it’s got something to do with the dreadful thing that lives in my brain, that ghoul Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, that’s a real nasty creep of a backseat driver.

Read more here.



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