cowboy-354387_1280We’re releasing Rough Edges on Tuesday, and we’re ridiculously excited to see this book enter the world 🙂

Over the past several weeks our publicist, Elesha Teskey, has worked with all of the women who have a story in Rough Edges, interviewing them and sharing excerpts from their work. As we move into this, the last weekend before the book becomes available, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on those sneak peeks at what you can expect to find between Rough Edges‘ covers.

There are links to each of the seven stories right below this. Take a look, make sure you didn’t miss any when they first came out, and then let us know which one you’re most looking forward to reading.

And, of course, if you haven’t pre-ordered your copy yet, now is the perfect time to do that 🙂

April 19, 2016
Sneak Peek of Lady of Lacrymosa by Brantwijn Serrah

I’ve sometimes told folks, there’s a wild west saloon somewhere in my mind, and that’s where all my characters go to between sets. The vampires, the faeries, the steampunk pilots, the cowgirls, the sci-fi heroes…no matter what story they come from they all end up around the tables in that mental saloon. Kat, I think, has taken her place as the eternal bartender for all of them.

May 10, 2016
Sneak Peek of Coming Up Roses by Anna Kyle

Years ago my boyfriend and I attended an auction to find an older horse we could use for lessons in the riding program. There were two miniature donkeys I fell in love with. We didn’t get them but when I needed an animal to connect Rose and Finn, choosing a mini donkey was easy-peasy.

May 31, 2016
Sneak Peek of Time Machine Cowboy by Trayce Primm

The heroine is Everywoman. Tired. Overworked. Just trying to get a little fun on her own. Bronco is the Badboy, personified. Hot. Handsome. Here for the moment then gone, but isn’t that what we want in an instant gratification fantasy?

April 26, 2016
Sneak Peek of Hunted and Haunted by Jen DeLuca

I’ve always loved ghost stories. Not just the spooky, horror kind, but ones that really get into the idea of what a spirit is, and why it might stay behind and be tied to a particular place. One inspiration for this story in particular is… a ghost who protects rather than destroys.

May 17, 2016
Sneak Peek of Emma’s Ride by Christine Morgan

I love historical fiction, the challenge of writing in other time periods, the language, the differences, the feel of another era. So, the theme of a cowboy anthology to me just automatically said Old West. The contrast between the cities Back East and the wild frontier, the sense of danger but exploration.

Rough Edges

May 4, 2016
Sneak Peek of Jump Without Looking by TJ Dodd

I wrote [this story] in a weekend, but I didn’t get anything else done! Then I fussed with it forever. I swear, I was like the mother of the bride making sure every inch of lace and ribbon was perfect before sending her down the aisle.

May 24, 2016
Sneak Peek of My Midnight Cowboy by Pumpkin Spice

After wrapping up a very chaste, G-rated, sweet romance, I found myself utterly bored by the saccharin ending. And I wrote it! Then I visualized Lucy and her bestie, Rachel, walking into John Wayne Airport on their way to some big adventure – only Lucy was flying solo – literally and figuratively. Suddenly, this really hot, but super annoying, wise-ass keys off behind her in line and everything in Lucy’s world tilts.

Pre-order Your Copy Of Rough Edges


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"This erotic anthology of adventure in the Wild West tradition gives new meaning to the phrase ‘bucking bronco.' Not to be missed, Rough Edges will make you want to save a horse and ride a ... well, you get the idea."

Sara Dobie Bauer

author, Bite Somebody

"[Cori Vidae] weaves together a patchwork masterpiece of every possible representation of the theme that will definitely keep you warm on a cold night."

Randi Perrin

author, Virtue of Death

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