by Elesha Teskey | Mar 13, 2018 | 1 - INKarnate, INKomplete, kINKED, Spotlight |
INKarnate is one story in the kINKED anthology, which was released a year ago today! To celebrate, we highlight features you may have missed. INKarnate will also be re-released this fall as part of the INKomplete series! Embracing Your Kink by Sara Dobie...
by Elesha Teskey | Mar 12, 2018 | 1 - INKarnate, INKomplete, kINKED, Spotlight |
Every tattoo tells a story. This week we are celebrating the release-aversary of kINKED. A year ago the anthology came into the world. We are marking the occasion by shining the spotlight on INKarnate Mara Malin. This will also give you a sneak peek at her...
by Cori Vidae | Aug 1, 2017 | Giveaways, kINKED, Servants of Fate |
Whether you’re looking for something steamy or something sweet we’ve got you covered. For today only both the sweet paranormal collection, Servants of Fate, and the steamy anthology about kink and tattoos, kINKED, are available for FREE from Amazon...
by Cori Vidae | Mar 21, 2017 | kINKED |
Reading anything is a subjective experience, but reading kinky erotic romance is possibly the most subjective thing of all. What turns one person on makes another person cringe. It’s all very personal and that can make choosing an kinky erotic romance a...
by Cori Vidae | Mar 19, 2017 | kINKED |
kINKED Reviews There is a situation that comes up from time to time where I want to talk about a book I’ve worked on and published through Pen and Kink, but I don’t want to speak as the publisher, I want to speak as the author or the editor. This is one of...