We’re celebrating the release of Transformed by giving you a deeper look at some of the stories and authors!

Visit these stops on our blog tour:


Monday, July 16: Gretchen Bassier (Scars) is interviewed by Erotica For All.


Tuesday, July 17: Clint Collins (Stranger in Town) discusses the challenge of writing erotics on Chapter Break.


Wednesday July 18: Meg Archer discusses her story Red-Tail and our own animals within on Tiffany Michelle-Brown’s blog.


Thursday July 19: Nancy Canu discusses what led to her story Fathom on Wopsywoo Book Blog.


Friday July 20: Jaap Boekestein (Wolf Chest) is interviewed on Cobalt Jade’s blog.

  Editor Charlie Waston takes us into the creation of the anthology on Cori Vidae’s blog.



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